Sat, 27 Jul 2024
REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Jonathan and Nicola McCracken in Claremorris
We should hear back this month on the planning for the change of use on the building project. Pray for favour with the owner and that we would be able to work well together. From today, 27-29 July, we will have a team of young people from our home church in Northern Ireland helping with a Fun Day in Claremorris and in church on the Sunday.
Fri, 26 Jul 2024
SLOVENIA: Sebastian and Gloria Forjan in Radovlica
At the end of June, we had our youth camp. Pray for our youth that they will grow in the Lord and maturity. Also, for those who are still exploring Jesus that they will give their life to Christ. For our church members, pray for our summer time that it will a time of rest and deepening our roots in Jesus.
Thu, 25 Jul 2024
GERMANY: Sebastian and Fabiana Braun in Schwerin
We praise the Lord for all the things He has done here in Schwerin, Germany. We understand that a new season is upon us as a family, and we would greatly appreciate your prayers during this transition time. Please pray for wisdom and that God show us our new place to serve.
Wed, 24 Jul 2024
GREECE: Anna Crawford in Athens
I am grateful for the way God has sustained me and given me an amazing 'family’ and opportunities for ministry during the last six months here in Athens. I return to Northern Ireland for the summer and will be back in Athens in September with a team from my home church, First Coleraine Presbyterian.
Tue, 23 Jul 2024
NEW ZEALAND: Féy Cotter, ECM New Zealand Director
From today, July 23-7 August, I will be in Romania visiting Alex and Liz (NZ workers in Cernavoda), attending the Australia/NZ workers retreat in Timisoara and also exploring a possible ministry for Anna in Timisoara (candidate for Romania).
Mon, 22 Jul 2024
ROMANIA: Gary and Ioana Stoll in Piatra Neamt
The regional Baptist Community is running a youth camp at Voronet starting today, 22-27 July. Around 100 young people are expected from the region. We will be thinking about what it means to be made in the image of God. Please pray for good weather, open hearts, clear teaching, and special moments that will be treasured always.
Sun, 21 Jul 2024
BULGARIA: Andrew and Kate Blackwell in Sofia
Praise God for a short-term Interim Pastor for the International Baptist Church of Sofia. Pray that it would be a time of healing and blessing as the congregation prepares for the new permanent pastor arriving in the autumn. Please pray for many missionaries who will seek refreshment from holidays over the European summer, that they would be refreshed and energised ready to return to their homes and ministries, for the glory of God.
Sat, 20 Jul 2024
ITALY: Richard and Pinuccia Wilson in Trento
Today all of the Italian ECM missionaries, with some invited guests, will be meeting at Desenzano on Lake Garda. This will be the first time we have all been able to be physically together since pre-pandemic days! Pray for good fellowship and encouragement to help each other in our ministries. And give thanks that we have remained united as a team in this period since the last meeting for prayer days.
Fri, 19 Jul 2024
PORTUGAL: Eberson and Maria Madalena David in Montargil
Pray that the Alentejo people in Portugal have their spiritual ears open to hear the gospel message. Pray for Madalena’s health. Pray for the discipleship we have done in Mora's church. May they be awakened to execute the ministry. Pray that new financial partners arise in our ministry. Pray for our daughters Beatriz and Isabela who have just completed the first year of high schoo
Thu, 18 Jul 2024
AUSTRALIA: Sam Boog, ECM Media and Promotions officer
Please pray for God's blessing on ECM News, that it might have interesting and informative content that might help further the cause of the gospel in Europe.
Wed, 17 Jul 2024
GERMANY: Gerrit and Jorine Van Dijk in Rostock
Please Pray for the North-East German Cluster. We're longing for more places in poor and unreached places in Mecklenburg, where Christian presence is blessing people and helping them to discover who Jesus Christ is. Please pray for people, finances and the strength to work together in an effective way. Thank God for the people of Rostock Evershagen who are taking over more responsibility at the Haltepunkt E Church plant. Pray for the team, as they are seeking the right ways to coach and help local people to feel responsible for the work here.
Tue, 16 Jul 2024
SPAIN: Colin and Jill Bakon in Madrid
Summer is very hot here so pray we can pace ourselves and continue to connect well with people during this more relaxed time. Pray for Jill as she meets to read the Bible with Laura and Inés. Pray that these women would, in turn, gain confidence to start Bible reading partnerships with other women. Pray for the roll-out of newly translated mobilising resources with youth at our church, that they would gladly pour themselves into being on mission with God.
Mon, 15 Jul 2024
NEW ZEALAND: Féy Cotter, ECM New Zealand Director
From today, July 15, we will travel with our caravan back to Tauranga where we will be based for six weeks and where Murray will continue to work on some ongoing repairs to the caravan. Please pray that Murray can fix the caravan.
Sun, 14 Jul 2024
GERMANY: Christiaan and Kseniya Kooiman in Schwerin
Please pray for the Patchwork Centre today, 14 July, as we are blessed to have a baptism service. Please pray for the people who want to follow Jesus that their faith will grow and become strong every day.
Sat, 13 Jul 2024
REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Colin and Alison Holmes in Ferrybank
We give thanks for Jason and Lauren Kittrell from USA who have applied to ECM and who are visiting Ireland in the middle of July. Pray especially for their time with Ferrybank church and leaders. Pray also for our church as we connect with our community through monthly picnics over the summer. Pray for the change to rhythms that summer brings – that it might see us sharing Jesus by spending quality time with people.
Fri, 12 Jul 2024
AUSTRALIA: Paul and Leah Davies, accepted Candidates for Republic of Ireland
We praise God for being accepted as candidates with ECM and for the team’s guidance throughout the journey. Pray that we trust God through the next phase of partnership development, that we may be mutually blessed and encouraged with/by friends and churches. Please pray that God would open a door for visas so we can serve in the Republic of Ireland. Pray for Leah as she completes theological study this year and for the kids to trust God in the uncertainty.
Thu, 11 Jul 2024
KOSOVO: Gani and Adile Smolica in Peja
We praise the Lord for steady numbers at church Services during June. Praise the Lord that Adile is feeling a bit better, although prayer is needed for her to gain strength against fear of illnesses. In the beginning of July, the youth of our church will have a 4-day camp before they stop the activities for summer holidays. Pray for the youth to learn more what it is to believe in Jesus in a hostile environment for those who are in Christ. In July, we are having a family reunion as our daughter, Besiana, is coming with her family from Belfast for a month. Pray for some good time together.
Wed, 10 Jul 2024
NETHERLANDS: Kees and Wieteke Postma in Burgum
Please pray for us at Burgum Baptist Church. We are looking to appoint a third couple as elders and would like wisdom in the ongoing conversations we have with a prospective couple. Kees is involved with some groups in the cities of Beilen, Ijsselmuiden en Dronten to see if new churches could be planted there. Pray for fruitful chats with the leadership of those projects so that His name will be proclaimed in those areas as well in fresh and new ways.
Tue, 09 Jul 2024
SPAIN: Edgar and Jane Álvarez in Collado Villalba
From today, 9-30 July, we will be in Scotland for Home Assignment. It is the first time we go together with our adult children so please pray as we negotiate sharing small spaces, as well as reconnecting with churches, supporters, friends and family. Please pray for Jane during these last three busy and demanding weeks of school and for good health and wisdom to navigate this time well with students, colleagues and parents. Pray also for Edgar dealing currently with two or three hard ministry situations. Pray for wisdom and discernment to support colleagues in the most helpful and effective way.
Mon, 08 Jul 2024
SLOVENIA: Sarah Deacon in Ljubljana
Please pray for our church youth camp which starts today 8-11 July. We will be looking at the theme of By Faith from Hebrews 11. Please pray for all the young people who are coming, especially those who have been invited by their friends. Pray that it would be a good time together and that the young people would be both encouraged and challenged to live by faith.
Sun, 07 Jul 2024
PORTUGAL: Steve and Lydia Cockram in Vila Nova de Gaia
From today, 7- 16 July, we are taking 4 of our young adults on a short-term mission trip to Athens to serve Luciana and the other ECM workers there. Please pray that God will use the 10 days to grow our young people in their faith as they experience a different ministry, culture and churches. Pray that all the logistical aspects will go smoothly, and the team will be united as we serve together.
Sat, 06 Jul 2024
NORTHERN IRELAND: Geoff Donaldson, Ireland Director
From today, 6 -12 July, ECM Ireland will take part in the Mission Exhibition part of ‘Keswick Portstewart', in Northern Ireland. Pray for good connections and networking on mission.
Fri, 05 Jul 2024
CROATIA: Jonathan and Danijela Vukov in Varaždin and Novi Marof
We are grateful to God that on June 7 and 8 we were able to organize a two-day outreach event on the streets of Varaždin with church stands with literature, gospel music, a children's program and the preaching of the Good News. Pray for all the people who passed by, took the literature or listened to the message that the sown Word would bring forth fruit. We also have a seven-day summer camp on the island of Ugljan which started 30 June-July 7; please pray that all who come will be encouraged and challenged to live by faith.
Thu, 04 Jul 2024
ROMANIA: Gary and Ioana Stoll in Piatra Neamt
Each evening this week our church in Piatra Neamt in Romania is running a Vacation Bible School for kids aged 5-14. We will be following the Exodus from Egypt story and learning about an even greater redemption that the Lord Jesus came to bring. Please pray for the event, the leaders, and the children, that the Gospel may go forth with power, opening hearts as God opened the Red Sea.
Wed, 03 Jul 2024
SPAIN: B.J. and Rachel Whitaker in Meco
From 1-5 July, a team of 13 Americans will be with us to help run a baseball camp for kids aged 6-14 here in Meco. We have a fantastic opportunity to share Kingdom values through the camp and other activities, so please pray that the kids (and their parents) would be open to Jesus as we share and incarnate His love. Also, please pray for spiritual and physical protection for the team from the U.S. and our local team during that week.